Biometricians vs Mendelians: What a century old debate ago can teach researchers today

There is a historical precedent for major scientific advances that have come from those who have not necessarily followed the traditional academic route for their field. The field of genetics has been no exception to this phenomenon, from its conception by a particularly tenacious Augustinian monk to the somewhat less well-known story of a certain English public school teacher, Ronald Fisher. Continue reading Biometricians vs Mendelians: What a century old debate ago can teach researchers today

Advances in the Lab: ‘Back in my day…’

f you work in a lab, you will know that feeling when your supervisor says ‘you have it easy, it was never like this back when I was doing lab work…’ To be fair to our supervisors, times have changed and with it, a lot of experiments are easier. The crazy thing is, these changes really have happened overnight. Continue reading Advances in the Lab: ‘Back in my day…’